Welcome to Sparks Chemistry Community

Online dating has becoming popular in the recent year, it has radically changed the style of how people find new friendship, romance and soulmate.

Even though, with massive variety of online services and platforms available for Singaporean singles, Most people are still skeptical about online dating.

Is it safe to know people from online dating? The events and registration fees are so costly! Why do they ask me to remove my religion portion during sign up application?

That’s why we step-in!

Sparks Chemistry serves as a similar platform as other online dating agencies by connecting people together, particularly for “Christian singles”.


This is the community for you to join! You can wider your current social circle, make new friends and probably found your Mr or Ms Right.

We help to organize group outings, 1-1 blind date, workshop, charity or the occasional networking cocktail sessions at the most suitable outlets at absolutely no fees.

Our community is mainly voluntary and purely serving. Hence, if you are interested, do register yourself and join us in any of the upcoming events.

We hope to provide a pleasant experience for everyone joining the network or connection. Making friends should be fun and relaxed. Chillax and spark it out!

Rom 15: 5-6
Now may the God who gives perseverance and encouragement grant you to be of the same mind with one another according to Christ Jesus, so that with one accord you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ